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HomeSourcesexpress.co.ukYour horoscope for August from astrologer Russell Grant

Your horoscope for August from astrologer Russell Grant

Russell Grant shares this month’s horoscope (Image: Getty) Aries  (Mar21/Apr20)  Neither a lender nor a borrower be on the 1st; the Full Moon makes mixing friendship with finance disastrous. It is a good day, however, to finish a demanding work project. A needy romantic partner could drain your energy on the 9th. It’s important to send healthy boundaries with your amour. On the 16th, the New Moon warns against taking an emotional or financial risk. It’s better to take a conservative approach to both relationships and business ventures. It will be necessary to revise a work project on the 23rd, but don’t let that get you down. The changes you make will be a big improvement. Taurus  (Apr21/May21) A professional project wraps up on the 1st, causing you to question your career path due to a disruptive Full Moon. Give yourself permission to go in a more rewarding direction, even if it means taking a temporary pay cut. An egotistical family member resents your star power on the 7th; make it clear that you’re not trying to compete. On the 16th, the New Moon makes you restless. A powerful desire to relocate could cause you to look for different places to live. Don’t make any hasty decisions just yet. A loved one’s selfish behaviour could take your breath away on the 22nd; it’s time to reassess this relationship. Gemini  (May22/June21) The Full Moon on the 1st brings an end to an adventure that has brought you great joy. Try not to be sad; this shift will give you a chance to enjoy more quality time at home. An imposing authority figure will criticise your priorities on the 2nd, but stand firm. It’s important to strike a healthy life-work balance now. Retreating from public view on the 10th helps to clarify your priorities. On the 16th, the New Moon warns against only talking about yourself with a creative person. You’ll learn something important by listening more than you speak. Nostalgic thoughts prompt you to frame some favourite photos or look at beautiful mementoes on the 23rd. Zodiac signs (Image: Getty) Cancer  (June22/July23) On the 1st, the Full Moon cautions you to rein in your spending. You can always generate the abundance you want, but you must develop a prosperity consciousness before that can happen. Don’t lend or borrow money on the 7th, or a close friendship could be seriously damaged. You’ll receive a lavish gift on the 13th, making you sigh with happiness. On the 16th, the New Moon attracts a moneymaking opportunity that is too good to be true. Hold out for working with a well-established company that delivers on its promises. A missed opportunity to take a great class will return on the 23rd; sign up for a slot as soon as possible. Leo  (July24/Aug23)  The Full Moon on the 1st brings significant changes to a close relationship. Don’t be scared if your business or romantic partner pursues a career ambition; they’ll take you along for this exciting ride. Striking a healthier life-work balance is critical on the 7th. It’s a good time to take a relaxing vacation. Your allure will be especially powerful on the 13th; use it to attract someone into your web of intrigue. Ignore a powerful urge to radically change your appearance on the 16th; the New Moon is tempting you to assume a look that won’t suit you. The 23rd brings an opportunity to increase your fees, ask for a pay rise, or interview for a lucrative job. Virgo  (Aug24/Sept23) On the 1st, the Full Moon warns against overdoing it with an exercise routine. Instead of ramping up your regimen, ease up on it. Some gentle stretching is all that’s necessary to stay in prime condition. An opportunity to study with a gifted teacher will arrive on the 10th; waste no time signing up for this course, as places will fill fast. The New Moon on the 16th makes you yearn for privacy, but an annoying pest keeps disturbing your peace. Sneak off to a quiet place where nobody can find you. Don’t pressure a dreamer into making a decision before they are ready on the 22nd, or they’ll resent your interference. Astrology explainer (Image: EXPRESS) Libra  (Sept24/Oct23)  On the 1st, the Full Moon will motivate you to move away from a romantic relationship that no longer serves you. Be ready to move on to a happier, healthier lifestyle that brings you joy. A friend asks for a loan on the 7th, but you shouldn’t feel guilty about turning down this request. Friendship and finance do not mix. You could find love at a festive party on the 13th; wear something special and look your best for this event. The New Moon on the 16th warns against scattering your energies far and wide. It’s better to concentrate on one relationship that makes you feel loved and supported. The 22nd isn’t good for going on a shopping spree. Scorpio  (Oct24/Nov22) A tense domestic situation ends on the 1st, thanks to the Full Moon. It’s time to make space for a new relationship that brings you joy. Your best friend or business partner’s erratic behaviour affects your work performance on the 9th; it’s time to set some firm boundaries. Use the 13th for going to an interview or audition; you’ll make a fantastic impression on everyone you meet. On the 16th, the New Moon warns against going public with information that could affect your career. This is not a good time to post intensely personal matters or harsh opinions on social media. An intense connection on the 25th will prompt you to pursue a lifelong dream. Sagittarius  (Nov23/Dec21) The Full Moon on the 1st makes you reconsider the way you talk to a wild-eyed optimist. It’s important to take a more practical approach to your relationship. Don’t accept a work assignment that keeps you from travelling on the 7th. The 10th is perfect for signing a contract that draws on your expert knowledge. On the 16th, the New Moon tempts you to venture into unfamiliar territory, but be careful. Taking common-sense safety precautions is essential if you’re going to take this path. Returning to a former employer on the 23rd is a great way to dust off skills you acquired long ago. Don’t second-guess your instincts on the 27th. Capricorn  (Dec22/Jan20)  On the 1st, the Full Moon brings a paycheque that is less than expected. From now on, it’s important to be crystal clear about setting prices for work. Don’t hesitate to stick to your guns during financial negotiations on the 2nd. Acquiring a valuable skill on the 10th allows you to travel widely. The New Moon on the 16th warns against letting down your guard with someone you don’t know very well. The 23rd brings an opportunity to work with a respected expert you’ve always admired. This is a great time to revisit a subject that fascinated you as a child. Limiting thinking keeps you from spiritual growth on the 27th. Aquarius  (Jan21/Feb19) The Full Moon on the 1st marks the end of a role you’ve held for a long time. You’re not sure what to do next. Devoting more time and attention to your domestic life is strongly advised. On the 9th, your family disapproves of choices you make in your personal life. Instead of getting defensive, ignore their warnings and complaints. Setting a healthy boundary is best for everyone involved. The New Moon on the 16th tempts you to embark on a romance, but be careful. Rushing into a relationship will be cause for regret. Be realistic about your budget on the 22nd. If you can’t afford something you want, wait for it to go on sale. Pisces  (Feb20/Mar20)  A period of isolation will end on the 1st, thanks to the Full Moon. Don’t be nervous about joining society again; you could meet the love of your life at a festive gathering. If you’re already in a relationship, your amour will give you a lavish gift on this remarkable day. Beware of discouraging your business or romantic partner from developing a bright idea on the 2nd; the more outrageous the notion, the more promising it will be. The New Moon on the 16th warns against launching an extreme fitness regimen. You don’t want to get injured. Your best friend will deliver some harsh truths on the 22nd; prepare for a shock.


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