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HomeHealthWorrying confession could stop you saving someone's life in future

Worrying confession could stop you saving someone’s life in future

Poll shows a third of donors have not told their loved ones of decision, and unwillingness to talk about death is thought to be the main reason

A third of people who agree to organ donation are not mentioning their wishes to loved ones, worrying new polling shows.

Unwillingness to talk about death is thought to be the main reason 3,390 transplants could not go ahead last year due to objections from bereaved families.

NHS Blood and Transplant is today issuing a desperate plea for the public to register their support for donation on the NHS Organ Donor Register.

Exclusive polling reveals the extent that Brits are not communicating their wishes. A Survation poll of 1,000 Brits showed 61% say they would consent. However out of those, just 65% have told friends or relatives.


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