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HomeSourcesmirror.co.ukWoman, 82, fights off 100lb bear who broke into home and charged...

Woman, 82, fights off 100lb bear who broke into home and charged at her

An 82-year-old woman bravely fights off a 100-pound bear that broke into her Colorado home, escaping with minor scratches after pushing the bear away in Boncarbo, Colorado.

An 82-year-old woman displayed incredible courage as she successfully fended off a 100lb bear that had broken into her home.

The incident occurred shortly after midnight on August 11th, leaving the unnamed woman with only minor scratches. The pensioner’s ordeal began when she was abruptly awakened by a crashing noise, accompanied by the distressed growling of her dog in Boncarbo, Colorado.

She jumped out of bed to investigation. As she entered the entrance hall, the unexpected intruder – a small cinnamon-coloured black bear – leaped at her. She estimated the bear weighed around 100lbs.

But the 82-year-old managed to push the bear off her, avoiding a potentially fatal confrontation. Acting swiftly, she shut the double doors to confine the bear within a room.


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