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HomeSourcestelegraph.co.ukWhat is Nicola Sturgeon doing at Cop27? Don't ask, just ignore

What is Nicola Sturgeon doing at Cop27? Don’t ask, just ignore

These are more publicity-seeking antics, but there is no need to push back. Soon voters will see for themselves what an irrelevance she is

Nicola Sturgeon is an incredibly divisive figure in Scotland, in the literal meaning of the word. She regularly leads her party to, or near, 50 per cent of the popular vote in devolved and general elections, and among nationalist-inclined Scots she is not just admired, but loved, to the point where no admission of weakness or failing can ever be allowed. The other half of the electorate feels just as strongly about the first minister, and would dearly love to see the back of her. 

Of course, division is what drives nationalism, so this situation is encouraged and enjoyed by the SNP. But it means that virtually everything Sturgeon does is met with unqualified delight by her supporters and not-remotely-concealed disdain by her critics. 

Take Cop27, which Sturgeon is eagerly attending. As the head of a devolved administration Sturgeon has little locus and no influence at the world climate change summit taking place in Egypt. But a big part of the never-ending nationalist campaign for independence is to affect the trappings of sovereignty and to present, to the TV viewer and social media user, the impression that Scotland has already taken its seat at the top table of nations.

Needless to say, Sturgeon is adding to her already substantial carbon footprint by flying to Sharm El Sheikh, at a time when her government is planning some substantial cuts to local services. She has also been criticised for taking along with her Susan Aitken, the leader of SNP-run Glasgow City Council – a necessary move, says Sturgeon, because, having hosted Cop26 last year, Councillor Aitken must “hand on the Cop responsibility to Egypt”. 


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