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HomeHealthWarning as seemingly innocent pills TRANSFORM into party drugs inside the body

Warning as seemingly innocent pills TRANSFORM into party drugs inside the body

A NEW generation of illicit street drugs are virtually undetectable to authorities and only start working once they’re digested and broken down.

Called prodrugs, their particular molecular structure makes use of our body’s metabolism, meaning they work differently to typical recreational drugs.

Most illicit drugs interact with brain cell receptors and last for a short amount of time, before being transformed into inactive or less active chemicals that are flushed out of the body through urine, according to Julio de Carvalho Ponce, a lecturer in forensic science at the University of Winchester.

But these new generation substances only are only converted into drugs once they’ve been broken down by enzymes in the digestive system or gone through other chemical reactions in the body.

These reactions will remove a small part of the substance’s molecular structure, after which the prodrugs begin to taken an effect.


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