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HomeSourcesexpress.co.ukUK's most honest city revealed as Scouser stereotype debunked by survey

UK’s most honest city revealed as Scouser stereotype debunked by survey

People from Liverpool are most likely to hand cash they find in to the authorities (Image: Getty ) A new survey seems to explode the long-running stereotype that people from Liverpool are kleptomaniacs. The study was carried out by BestCasinoSites.net in light of a story about a man from the United States who was charged with theft three months after finding around £4,000 in a car park. The man from Connecticut kept the money he found in a bag, but was later charged with larceny by authorities. In the UK Section 1 of the Theft Act 1968 states that pocketing money found on the street and making no effort to establish the owner can make the person who kept the money guilty of theft. BestCasinoSites asked nearly 4,000 Brits if they found £1,000 on the street, would they keep it? Nottingham residents came out in the survey as ‘least honest’ (Image: Getty ) The results have uncovered just under half of people would keep the money, but even in these cost-of-living times 52.8 per cent still said they would try and track down the owner of the cash. But out of all the cities polled in the UK, surprisingly Liverpool came out as the joint most honest, with a whopping 65 per cent saying they would hand the money in. Glasgow, a city with many cultural and historical similarities to Liverpool, scored the same morale level also with 65 per cent. That’s compared to the unscrupulous residents of Nottingham, home of the legendary Robin Hood, where 53 per cent said they would keep the cash. Just behind Nottingham, the country’s capital saw 51 per cent of Londoners voting to keep the money rather than hand it in. A man in the US was charged with theft for not handing in money he found (Image: Getty ) And folks in Leicester were completely evenly split at 50 per cent either way. In the battle of the sexes, 47.5 per cent of women said they would keep the money, compared to 46.9 per cent of men. BestCasinoSites.net Online Slots and Statics Expert, Kiera Miller said: ‘The results certainly demonstrate an extremely interesting insight into whether Brits would or would not keep money found on the street but I think this has raised a bigger question; is if people know this is an offence. ‘Whilst pocketing cash on the street has parallels to winning the jackpot, it is ‘theft by finding’ and unfortunately, ‘finders keepers’ won’t hold up in a court of law. ‘To avoid being guilty of theft, the law requires the finder to make enquiries as to who the owner is and make efforts to return it where possible. ‘The most obvious way of discharging this responsibility is to simply hand the cash in at a police station.’


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