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HomeSourcestelegraph.co.ukThis is the beginning of the end of the Biden era

This is the beginning of the end of the Biden era

The President faces a dramatic loss of authority, with his Big Government vision lying in ruins

Last night’s midterm election results were a huge setback for Joe Biden and his party. The Democrats lost control of the House of Representatives and may possibly lose the Senate too. The scale of the Republican victory was not as big as some polls had projected. But this was still a catastrophic blow for the US President.

This is in many respects the beginning of the end of the Biden era. He now faces a dramatic loss of authority and influence on Capitol Hill, with his deeply unpopular Big Government vision effectively lying in ruins.

The American people have rejected the left-wing agenda of the Biden Presidency and its allies in Congress. They have had enough of soaring inflation, massive federal debts, open borders, soaring crime, and woke indoctrination in schools. Nearly 70 percent of Americans now believe the nation is heading down the wrong track, according to the latest RealClear Politics poll average.

As president, Biden has shamelessly kowtowed to the Left. He has increasingly been out of touch with US voters. At its heart, the United States remains a conservative nation, with strong public support for low taxes, a limited role for the state, secure borders, school choice and parental control in the education system, as well as traditional cultural values.


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