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HomeBusinessThe tech companies scanning your face while you shop

The tech companies scanning your face while you shop

Retailers join forces to counter a surge in shoplifting – but raising more questions

If you happen to miss the camera above the entrance, the sign will inform you. “FACIAL RECOGNITION & CCTV IN OPERATION ON THIS SITE” it declares in black letters as the automatic door slides to one side.

When you enter, the camera scans the contours of your face, instantly cross-referencing it against a database of known shoplifters.

Since you are a law-abiding citizen, the computer finds nothing. The video footage and any associated biometric data is instantly deleted. It does this hundreds of times a day, as customers filter in and out of the shop.

If your face is matched, managers at the shop will receive a silent alert and a picture of you, the suspected thief. Within seconds, you would find yourself shadowed by a chirpy member of staff, pleasantly informing you: “I’ll be right behind you if you need any help.”


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