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HomeSourcestelegraph.co.ukThe risks all women take whilst multitasking

The risks all women take whilst multitasking

These ‘risky behaviours’ are what women like to call getting through the day, keeping all the plates spinning or just living our lives

Apparently it’s been common knowledge for some time that women are more prone to falling down the stairs than men. Now scientists have concluded the reason is because they’re more likely to indulge in risky behaviours. These include engaging in conversation, carrying things, wearing heels or all three at once. Which, as any woman knows, is standard stair-descent mode. These “risky behaviours” are what women like to call getting through the day, keeping all the plates spinning or just living our lives. If researchers at Purdue University are interested here are some other risky behaviours that women are prone to most days:  

No woman ever just cooks, obviously, because it takes too long. We’re either cooking and Zooming, cooking and going through the mail pile, cooking and gardening (harder, but you can dead-head while things are coming to the boil), cooking and folding the washing, or cooking and ironing.

Risk factor: 3. The latter is a three on the riskometer: unless you trip on the iron cord and fall head first onto a gas ring you’re pretty safe.

Often right in the middle of a meeting you will remember that you need to post the key, tell the neighbour about the wall, buy a new loo seat, get the dog’s eye drops, buy a birthday cake and a present and a card. None of this is good for your heart/blood pressure. Particularly if, as a result of you making your list, you miss the whole bit about your role as team leader. 


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