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HomeFoodThe quick breakfast foods to avoid – and seven healthier alternatives

The quick breakfast foods to avoid – and seven healthier alternatives

Time poor and bombarded with temptations, it’s harder than ever to have a healthy morning. Here’s how to save your waistline and wallet

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I’m in the breakfast aisle at the supermarket. Although I’m trying to make healthy choices, my attention is grabbed by the sugary ­cereals, honey-laden granolas, choc-chip bars and breakfast ­biscuits filled with some kind of strawberry gloop.

Later, my gaze travels over the breakfast goodies on offer at a chain coffee shop: plump blueberry muffins, sticky cinnamon swirls and ­something called a ­”plant-based breakfast sandwich”. And the next day, at a service station, I’m faced with doughnuts, slabs of rocky road and yet more muffins – lemon this time, with a dollop of icing on top.

Wherever we go, we are bombarded with breakfast temptations – the vast majority high in sugar and fat and inevitably highly ­processed. I don’t want to start the day by guzzling this stuff. No, actually – I do.


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