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HomeBusinessThe lesson from history that Rishi Sunak mustn't ignore

The lesson from history that Rishi Sunak mustn’t ignore

A stealth tax raid is the wrong strategy at the wrong time – and could backfire badly

Rishi Sunak is the youngest Prime Minister of modern times, aged just 42. As our fresh-faced premier takes charge, the UK faces what he acknowledges are “profound economic challenges”.

Born in 1980, Rishi Sunak doesn’t remember the 1970s. Yet he leads a country plagued by high inflation, spiralling debts and industrial strife – as during that most political tumultuous of decades.

Wages lag price rises, sapping economy-wide spending power and broader confidence. Britain needs to break out of this post-Covid impasse – and fast.

So why are government insiders warning of a “painful” stealth tax raid? This is the wrong strategy at the wrong time – and could backfire badly.


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