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HomeFinanceThe best pensions for 2023

The best pensions for 2023

Navigate the careful planning that’s needed to unlock your dream retirement

Everyone likes to dream about what they might do in retirement – perhaps move to a sunnier country, take up new hobbies, or start a renovation project.

Making sure your finances are in order is the less exciting part of scoping out your later years, but without careful planning it could mean the day you finally leave work could never arrive.

Here, we explain everything you need to know about your pension – what types there are, how to improve them, and which one might be the best for you. 

A private pension is a way of saving money to provide you with income in old age, when you are no longer working. Most workers have a private pension thanks to a system known as “auto-enrolment”, which was introduced in 2012. It means that businesses are legally obliged to offer a pension saving scheme to their staff, and enrol them unless they actively opt out. 


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