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HomeSourcesmirror.co.ukTerrifying audio resurfaces from inside space capsule during the Apollo 1 disaster

Terrifying audio resurfaces from inside space capsule during the Apollo 1 disaster

Apollo 1 became one most infamous space race disasters in which three astronauts lost their lives in a simple training exercise which sparked a horrific fire

Terrifying audio has resurfaced from inside the space capsule during the Apollo 1 disaster.

Apollo 1 became one most infamous space race disasters in which three astronauts lost their lives in a simple training exercise. A fire erupted in the cockpit of Apollo 1 on January 27, 1967, causing the horrific deaths of NASA astronauts Virgil I. ‘Gus’ Grissom, Edward H. White, and Roger B. Chaffee.

The blaze broke out at Cape Kennedy when the astronauts were conducting a countdown simulation. The crew tried desperately to open the hatch and let themselves out but died from the poison gases swirling around in the cockpit.

It was alleged that Grissom had little faith in the ship and considered the design sloppy and unsafe – and just seconds before the disaster, he would have his crew take a mocking portrait which showed them bowing in prayer.


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