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HomeTechnologyTechnofeudalism by Yanis Varoufakis review — it's the age of the techno...

Technofeudalism by Yanis Varoufakis review — it’s the age of the techno overlords

Yanis Varoufakis, remember him? Leather jacket, charismatic, looks like a shark, briefly ran the Greek economy for a few fateful months in 2015? He has a new book out. This one, his fifth since resigning as Greek’s finance minister eight years ago, advances an arresting if frustratingly unproven theory: the internet has killed capitalism.

A new form of social domination, which Varoufakis calls “technofeudalism”, has replaced it. Just as capitalism once replaced feudalism, so too is “cloud capital” now replacing capitalism itself, he claims. You are witnessing the next great societal transformation: look around – or rather up, for you are now almost certainly either a “cloud prole” or a “cloud serf”.

What does he mean by that? What indeed. Varoufakis, who recently lost his

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