Taylor Swift releases 10th studio album Midnights (Image: Getty)She sounds closer to Billie Eilish than her own country roots on this “collection of music written in the middle of the night” – part sweet dreams, and part nightmares. Midnights also deals with finding lasting love when you’re a global superstar with confidence issues. Naturally, her relationship with British actor Joe Alwyn features.On Mastermind, she describes herself modestly as “a Machiavellian genius” who plotted their relationship. “It was all my design, cos I’m a mastermind.”Alwyn (credited as William Bowery) co-penned Sweet Nothing, and Lana Del Rey co-wrote the dreamy Snow On The Beach.Taylor teams up with Zoe Kravitz on the upbeat romantic opener Lavender Haze – about hiding away from the world in a cloud of loved-up pleasure.The result is a number that sounds like a mash-up of Beyoncé meets the Bee Gees.Not all 13 songs are suitable for radio. Swift swears like a Channel 4 newscaster on vengeance anthem Vigilante Sh**.”Draw the cat eye sharp enough to kill a man,” she sings over the slow dark swagger of the verse, adding, “You did some bad things, but I’m the worst of them”.She’s not dressing for women or men, she says. “Lately I’ve been dressing for revenge.”Her audiences will love singing along to lines like “Don’t get sad, get even”.Anti-Hero is as beautiful as it is beguiling, as Swift sings “Did you hear my covert narcissism, I disguise as altruism, like a congressman”.At 32, she’s been a star for 16 years, and is still evolving. Musically and lyrically, Taylor Swift hits new peaks of creativity.
‘Taylor Swift hits new peaks of creativity’ with new album Midnights