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HomeSourcesmirror.co.uk'Sister-in-law orders we change hamster's name

‘Sister-in-law orders we change hamster’s name

She refuses to take no for an answer

A pregnant woman has been branded “ridiculous” for ordering her nephew to change his hamster’s name so she can give it to her daughter. The 11-year-old spent months begging his parents for a “family pet”, promising to feed it, clean up after it and show it unconditional love and affection.

Expecting him to want a dog or a cat, the mum was shocked to hear how his heart was set on bringing home a hamster. Taking to Reddit, she said: “We spent a little over a week prepping, helping him study hamster care and dedicated a sizable spot in our living room for necessities and home.

“We finally get around to picking one out at the pet shop. He’s set on the name Sonic, but the lady ringing us up mentioned the one he picked out was a girl and that she could get him a boy if he wanted. He just lit up and said ‘That’s Amy!’ and that was that, we took Amy home.”

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