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HomeBusinessShell and BP's windfall profits have made them an easy target for...

Shell and BP’s windfall profits have made them an easy target for Biden’s populism

US President seizes on Big Oil to shore up flagging support ahead of midterms

With the US midterm elections just days away, and the Republicans on course to take back the House of Representatives, it is no surprise that Joe Biden is obsessing more than ever about the cost of gasoline. Pump prices can determine who gets into the White House. 

No wonder then, in a year when the price of petrol in the US has soared as high as $5 per gallon in a country more used to paying about $3, that Biden has belatedly leapt aboard the windfall tax bandwagon.

Calling on the oil and gas industry to “stop war profiteering”, Biden said: “The oil industry has a choice. Either invest in America by lowering prices for consumers at the pump and increasing production and refining capacity. Or pay a higher tax on your excessive profits and face other restrictions.”

Shell meanwhile, only has itself to blame for being name-checked in his speech after boss Ben van Beurden performed a screeching U-turn on a windfall tax last week. Having said as recently as February that he was not convinced by the need for government intervention, the Dutchman conceded last week that it was “a societal reality” “to help the most vulnerable in society”.


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