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HomeSourcesexpress.co.ukRepublicans in UK toasted Trump's fall explains DAVID MADDOX

Republicans in UK toasted Trump’s fall explains DAVID MADDOX

‘We have got rid of our problem!’ was the message in a short speech to the room and the majority – not quite all – seemed to agree with the sentiment. But what was ‘the problem’?Not a Democrat President Joe Biden, whose every day in office looks like a personal painful struggle with shockingly low approval ratings, a collapsing economy and a migration crisis which makes the Channel boats issue pale into comparison.No, not him.The problem was Donald J. Trump whose MAGA (Make America Great Again) movement has virtually taken over the Republican Party or the GOP (Grand Old Party) as many still prefer to refer to it.One attendee at the Republicans Overseas UK evening had a big grin on this face as he described the unfurling results as ‘a win, win, win’.He went on: ‘We cannot fail to win the Presidency in 2024, but now it won’t be Trump. We will just about have enough control of the House to stop the Democrats’ mad spending policies but we won’t be blamed for bringing everything to a halt for two years.”We should win the Presidency, House and Senate easily in 2024.” Establishment Republicans were not unhappy that Trump’s MAGA candidates failed (Image: GETTY)Instead, the room was ready to crown Florida’s emergent governor Ron DeSantis as the Republican nominee for the White House in 2024.The main speaker noted: “He’s young, energetic, successful and popular.”It is not as if DeSantis is a centrist wishy-washy establishment type though.In his acceptance speech, the Florida governor declared: ‘Woke comes to die in Florida!’He has made his name fighting the culture wars very much in the way Trump’s MAGA would like.READ MORE: Donald Trump urged to delay White House bid announcement Ron DeSantis is now favourite to win the Presidency in 2024 (Image: GETTY)DeSantis banned transgender athletes in female sports at public schools and refused to agree to lockdowns and masks during the pandemic. He has defended American history, while targeting low tax and economic growth.He has also experienced crisis when hurricanes hit his state – with another looming at the time of writing. The whole package has turned a formerly ‘purple swing state into a red Republican safe state’, as one of the party attendees noted last night.DeSantis is ‘a bridge between the establishment and MAGA’, another UK based Republican noted, adding: ‘He’s our unity candidate.’There were Trump MAGA supporters in the room as well, none too pleased at what they were hearing.DON’T MISSMusk ‘only playing lip service to free speech’ until Trump back [REVEAL]US midterms are proof, as if needed, the USA is still divided [REACT]’Time for Republicans to end the Trump purgatory and begin new era’ [INSIGHT] Ron DeSantis’ wife Casey is seen as an asset to his campaign (Image: GETTY)’That’s the establishment RINOs speaking,’ one said under his breath to me.RINO, being Republicans in Name Only, targeted at people who are not really conservatives in the views of those on the right of the party.But it was hard to argue with the figures.As Sarah Elliott, a member of the Republicans Overseas UK board, has written for Express.co.uk today, when it came to toss up elections all the Trump endorsed candidates have lost.It is worth noting that the Republican 6.4 percent lead in the popular vote is higher than polling that was supposed to deliver them a massive victory.And there is muttering that the Democrats were actually funding MAGA candidates to get nominations because they knew it would help them win.But with the beer, wine and halloumi chips were being consumed, what did the Republicans in the UK dislike about Trump? It is still unknown whether Joe Biden will run for President again (Image: GETTY)When Express.co.uk put it to them that many believe Trump’s policies as President were mostly right but presentation was the issue, the reply came: ‘That represents the views of 80 percent of the room tonight.’This perhaps more than anything sums up why they are so ready to crown the rightwing but smooth talking and much younger Ron DeSantis as the next GOP candidate for the Presidency.However, those wanting to write President Trump’s obituary – even with allies telling him to delay an announcement – should pause for a moment.When Express.co.uk messaged one former Trump staffer after the party asking if this was it for him and if the Republicans are now the party of DeSantis, they replied: ‘I wouldn’t bet on that.’


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