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HomeHealthParents and teachers alike feel ill-equipped to teach youngsters about periods, study...

Parents and teachers alike feel ill-equipped to teach youngsters about periods, study finds

Over a third of parents admit their youngster has asked them a question about periods – that they have not known how to answer

Parents and teachers alike admit they have felt unprepared and ill-equipped to educate and support youngsters – when it comes to the topics of puberty and periods, research has found.

Nearly half of parents claim they don’t feel comfortable discussing periods with their own children – as 34% have been faced with a situation where they have not known how to answer a question their kids asked them about puberty.

And even in schools, a whopping 84% of teachers say they find it challenging to educate their students about puberty – with one in four not feeling equipped to do so.

One of the biggest concerns about having these conversations with a young person is saying the wrong thing and appearing insensitive – with 26% of parents, and 68% of teachers, worrying about this.


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