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HomeSourcesexpress.co.ukOptical illusion unveils how your personality changes when in a relationship

Optical illusion unveils how your personality changes when in a relationship

The optical illusion may reveal what type of person you become in a relationship (Image: Oleg Shupliak ) An optical illusion could reveal truths about your dominant character traits and how they change when you’re in love, according to a mind trick enthuasiast. The psychological test is based on a painting by artist Oleg Shipliak, who is known for combining faces and landscapes to create mind-twisting imagery. The specific artwork is titled ‘Our Thought, our song’ and consists of a painter, his subject, a woman standing next to a tree, a man without a mustache, and one with a mustache. When first glancing at the imagery, the mind and eyes work together to focus on one factor first – and this may speak volumes about your psychological tendencies, according to Your Tango’s Rebecca Jane Stokes. ‘If you saw the painter and his subject first when you look at this image when you fall in love, your personality becomes laser-focused on the object of your affection,’ explained Stokes. ‘When you aren’t in love, you spend your time getting to know every single person you meet. You can’t help yourself,” she added.   ‘You love making connections with other people.” The optical illusion aficionado also pointed out that reserving all your time and energy for one person can put a lot of pressure on the relationship. ‘Keep that in mind as you go about being so utterly and all-consumingly adoring,’ she said. The man with no mustache Those who saw the man with the mustache at first glance tend to become more serious and introspective when they fall in love, explained Stokes. ‘It’s not that you aren’t capable of seriousness when you’re single, it’s just not something that you lean towards naturally,’ she added. ‘Being in a relationship gives you the freedom to sit with yourself and experience your emotions more honestly.’ Through introspection is encouraged it should be done in small doses to avoid confusing your partner, particularly if you were the lift of the party when you met them. People can change for better or for worse in relationships (Image: TikTok) ‘If you saw the woman next to a tree first when you look at this image when you fall in love you see the sensual in everything,’ explained Stokes. People in this category may tend to become intimately connected to the sensorial world – and more open to talking about it, she added. The face of a man with a mustache Stokes explained that those whose eyes first focus on the man with a mustache are prone to becoming a homebody when they fall in love. This suggests that they’re more rootless when they’re single, and put little emphasis on the home outside of a relationship. ‘It’s awesome that being in love gives you a new awareness of the importance of family and home as the center of your life,’ noted Stokes. ‘But don’t forget that you should still leave the house sometimes, too!’ Houses Meanwhile, Stokes believes those who spot the houses first tend to think and plan far ahead when they fall in love. Even those who didn’t have a flair for planning before the relationship may suddenly find themselves pondering what their 10-year trajectory is.


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