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HomeHealthObstructive sleep apnoea could increase dementia risk, new study finds

Obstructive sleep apnoea could increase dementia risk, new study finds

We are all aware of how not getting enough sleep will impact your health negatively but for those suffering with obstructive sleep apnoea, their risk for serious health outcomes is far greater including a risk to dementia warns a new study

Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) is a fairly common condition which involves the walls of a person’s throat becoming narrower when they sleep.

The result is a distorted way of breathing, which can cause sleep interruption and snoring.

People suffering with OSA often report poor sleep, which can greatly impact their overall health. It’s been widely reported that OSA also increases a person’s risk of developing heart conditions.

OSA can increase a person’s blood pressure and also cause a recurrent heart attack or stroke.


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