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HomeSourcesexpress.co.ukNorth Yorkshire Police boss must be sacked over Rishi house attack

North Yorkshire Police boss must be sacked over Rishi house attack

Rishi Sunak’s house was attacked by eco-terrorists (Image: Danny Lawson/PA) Okay, enough now. Seriously, enough! Those moronic eco protesters who invaded the grounds of Rishi Sunak’s North Yorkshire home and planted themselves on his roof are eco-terrorists. And they need to be made an example of because what they did wasn’t a legitimate protest it was a serious crime for which they need to be seriously punished. That said, these Greenpeace loons are so thick they probably don’t know the difference. But the cops do and they need to put these people behind bars for enough time to ensure they never pull this kind of stunt again. And why were they released on bail? This was an attack on our PM’s home and so they should have been kept behind bars until their court case. Mind you, that was never going to happen because North Yorkshire Police, which is responsible for Sunak’s security, aren’t much cop. In March this year, a damning report slated the force insisting it needed to make urgent improvements to keep people safe. Clearly, that hasn’t happened. But I’ll get to the security implications in a minute. The fact is it’s also the police’s fault that these protesters felt able to march into the private gardens of the PM’s home. They see the lackadaisical attitude of police forces all over the land and so they keep pushing the boundaries safe in the knowledge cops won’t give them any grief. There’s no other country in the world that would tolerate protesters climbing onto the home of the head of government. In America, they’d have been shot on sight. Ditto China. In Saudi they’d probably have had their legs chopped off so they couldn’t climb anything ever again. Not that I’m advocating any of that obviously. But the fact these eco-terrorists believe they hold the moral high ground and can do anything they damn well please means they must be harshly disabused of that notion. This HAS to stop now. Because what these eco lunatics are doing might have started as a peaceful protest but they’re now committing serious crimes and so must be treated like serious criminals. Have those protesters thought for a second how their invasion of Sunak’s home might affect his wife, his two kids? Or don’t they give a damn about their fear because anything is justified in the name of the cause? As for the police, heads must very definitely roll. North Yorkshire and the Metropolitan Police are responsible for the PM’s security. Imagine if those protesters had been bombers. If the head of North Yorkshire Police, Lisa Winward, isn’t sacked over this the nation will want to know why. And how did it take her officers TWO hours to react to those protesters? Is there no alarm response strategy in place to protect the PM, his family or his home? It’s irrelevant Sunak wasn’t there at the time. The fact these idiots could access his home so easily shows glaring and bloody dangerous security errors. And how thick are police chiefs not to anticipate a protest against Sunak in the week he vowed to ‘max out’ North Sea oilfields? As I said, this debacle comes after an excoriating report on North Yorkshire Police which said it was in urgent need of improvement – particularly its strategic planning. The force was told it had to make drastic improvements to keep people safe. That hasn’t happened so why does Lisa Winward still have a job? Have the cops learned nothing from the murders of MPs Jo Cox and Sir David Amess? If a police force can’t stop a bunch of raggy-arsed protesters – and North Yorkshire clearly can’t – it has no hope of stopping terrorists determined to kill our PM. Trouble with government enquiries? They never run out of other people’s money The Covid Inquiry, which has only been hearing evidence for a month and has already cost taxpayers £40m, has now hired Saatchi & Saatchi to promote the inquiry’s Every Story Matters scheme, which invites people to share their experiences about the pandemic. Why for God’s sake? Why hire THE most prestigious and certainly one of the most expensive ad agencies in the country? Oh hang on – I know. It’s because it’s not their money – it’s ours. And they don’t give a damn how they spend it. This trans war on women must stop and stop now And the trans lunacy continues. NHS managers in a North-East health trust have been told NOT to sympathise with female colleagues who don’t like sharing gender-neutral loos with blokes. A new handbook forbids team leaders to say: ‘I understand your concerns.’ The woke director of HR at the South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust, Kath Griffin, says: ‘This policy is an important part of promoting, accepting and celebrating equality.’ The hell it is. This policy was drawn up by virtue-signalling idiots who have clearly discriminated against women, particularly those who hold gender-critical beliefs – which in a democratic society they’re entitled to. And it must surely be illegal to state that people cannot express concerns about something that distresses them. Can I state for the record I HATE gender-neutral loos. I want to pee in peace without blokes in the room. And I’ve yet to meet a man who doesn’t feel the same! Barbie is a woke film – it is not a guide to life Margot Robbie, the star of Barbie (Image: Getty) Armies of men are apparently being dumped because they don’t understand the feminist message of the Barbie movie – about how much women suffer while men benefit from societal imbalances of power. The film, about a doll that comes to life, has become a benchmark for TikTok users to judge the suitability of their partners. This tells you everything you need to know about TikTok users! When fairy cakes just don’t cut it… Ex-Corrie star Catherine Tyldesley really should have kept her mouth shut after Cakegate kicked off. The story goes that Tyldesley’s PR company, NVRLND, had asked local baker, Rebecca Severs, to supply two free big cakes and 100 cupcakes for Tyldesley’s 40th birthday bash in exchange for publicity on Tyldesley’s social media platforms. First off, Tyldesley’s ‘fame’, acquired by playing a barmaid in Coronation Street, really doesn’t qualify her for free anything. But worse she publicly had a go at baker Rebecca, saying snottily: ‘I hope the lady got the exposure she craved.’ No, Rebecca Severs wasn’t craving exposure. As a hard-working businesswoman, she just couldn’t believe the brass neck of being asked for free cakes in exchange for publicity from a Z-list celebrity who clearly believes she’s entitled to them because she used to be on telly. As Rebecca quite rightly said: ‘My staff can’t feed their kids with exposure on [Tyldesley’s] Instagram .’ Tyldesley says she knew nothing of the freebies email. Really? So if she intended to pay for her birthday cakes why were her people asking for free ones? Catherine Tyldesley really needs to get over herself. She’s never been a big star and she certainly ain’t one now. And even if she was, her fame doesn’t entitle her to free stuff. Of course, she’s got form for this. She, along with other soap stars, was once approached by undercover journos to promote a fake company in exchange for designer goods. They then tweeted about and endorsed them. Surely Tom Daley can afford a mirror? Tom Daley get dressed in the dark (Image: Dave Benett/Getty ) Hasn’t Tom Daley got anyone in his life who can say to him: ‘You’re not seriously going out in that?’ This is what the swimmer wore to a party thrown by make-up giant Rimmel for whom he’s an ambassador. It’s the kind of get-up five-year-olds might think was fun to wear to bed. It takes incredible skill at the BBC to lose this many listeners Ken Bruce has taken listeners with him (Image: Joe Maher/Getty ) I shouldn’t crow over the fact that, due to the abject stupidity of its bosses, Radio 2 has lost one MILLION listeners since veteran broadcaster Ken Bruce left (was pushed out of?) the Corporation. It’s the largest quarterly fall since records began – not surprising as bosses replaced the legend Ken with the flimsy Vernon Kay – who doesn’t have a fraction of the experience or talent Ken had – and look what’s happened since? BBC radio is being run by a bunch of ageist buffoons who think anyone over 50 should be professionally exterminated. Well, all the people they dumped – Vanessa, Ken, Steve Wright – are all doing spectacularly well while Radio 2 is suffering death by a thousand cuts. It’s called karma! Harry and Meghan faking it until they make it Was anyone fooled for a second by Harry and Meghan’s phoney show of togetherness this week? As rumours abound that their marriage is crumbling the pair who’ve barely been seen together in months were filmed on a loveseat in their Montecito garden making phone calls to winners of a grant for young entrepreneurs. How fabulous of them. Sorry, no one’s buying it. If they think that hammy show is enough to stop global speculation that the Great Romance is over they’re bigger fools than they look. It’s clearly a case of when not if…


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