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HomeHealthNine ways to beat dementia by protecting brain

Nine ways to beat dementia by protecting brain

New research suggests napping could preserve brain health and reduce the risk of developing dementia. Here are some tips to protect our brains when the days are long and the weather is warm

Beat the afternoon heat by taking a snooze and you could slow down the rate at which your brain shrinks with age, according to a new study from University College London and the University of the Republic, Uruguay. Researchers looked at how the brains of people genetically programmed to nap regularly compared to those who didn’t have the same genes.

The results showed those with the “napping gene” who take daytime snoozes had larger total brain volume than those who didn’t, which equated to between 2.6 and 6.5 fewer years of ageing. So settle down for a siesta – earlier studies have suggested that naps of 30 minutes or less provide the best short-term cognitive benefits.

Feed your brain with leafy greens every day. A new study published in the journal Neurology found that people who ate the most leafy green veg – seven or more servings a week – had brain tissue with less beta-amyloid build-up (a marker for Alzheimer’s disease) and looked almost 19 years younger than the brains of people who ate just one or fewer servings a week. Add spinach, romaine lettuce, watercress and kale to your salads. They’re packed with nutrients like lutein that can contribute to brain health.

Taking a break away from the stresses of everyday life could do your brain a big favour. A new study published in JAMA Network Open found people with high stress levels were 37% more likely to have cognitive decline, including memory issues, than people who aren’t so stressed.


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