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HomeSourcesexpress.co.uk'My OCD habit means everyone looks at me in restaurants

‘My OCD habit means everyone looks at me in restaurants

John Junior feels he can only eat food with metal tongs (Image: John Junior) A man who is petrified of touching food says people laugh and stare at him when he’s eating out. John Junior, from Wilmslow, Cheshire, is so scared of eating food with his hands that he always carries a pair of metal tongs with him. The 34-year-old’s phobia started after a bout of illness after eating chicken ten years ago. And the unexpected passing of his father has seen his obsessive compulsive disorder spiral out of control – meaning he now only eats with the implements, reports the Manchester Evening News . He said: ‘Even when I go out in restaurants, everyone is looking at me. John Junior’s OCD became much worse after the death of his father (Image: John Junior) ‘It’s so embarrassing. ‘I have to go somewhere I know and where they know me because the judgement is horrible.’ He said on a recent trip to Pizza Hut eating with tongs meant that other diners were staring. He said: ‘I told them I have to eat with tongs and [all the other diners] were staring at me.’ The food food phobia is now so severe it’s pushed John to the brink of suicide. “It’s horrible,’ he added. ‘I’ve dealt with suicide and it’s that feeling of wanting (the OCD) to go but you can’t. ‘It has made me feel suicidal in the past, going out to eat.’ Obsessive compulsive disorder, known as OCD, is a mental health condition where a person has obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviours. At times John hasn’t wanted anything to eat and once only ate Fox’s biscuits for a week. He said: ‘I got into the habit and routine of eating biscuits from the packet. ‘I only eat things that are easy to get into my mouth straight away.’ John has suffered with other mental health problems since childhood, including depression, healthy anxiety, suicidal thoughts and more recently emotionally unstable personality disorder, where someone has fluctuating emotions. John has visited doctors about his phobia and treatment in Amsterdam but he would need to take tablets which he is unable to do. He added: ‘I wish I could eat food and touch food like other people. ‘It makes me feel alone and causes me anxiety constantly when I’m trying to eat. ‘I hope it gets better. ‘I have been trying, I always say you have to get comfortable with the uncomfortable for change.’.


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