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HomeSourcesexpress.co.ukMother plans to meet her daughter's murderer

Mother plans to meet her daughter’s murderer

The mother of a 19-year-old university student is preparing to face her daughter’s killer. Libby Squire, 21, was brutally murdered and raped by Polish butcher Pawel Relowicz, 26, who launched the attack after the philosophy student had been on a night out with friends in Hull. The incident took place in 2019 – with Relowicz being convicted of her murder in 2021. Lisa Squire, who is desperate for more details on her daughter’s final moments, plans to meet with the convict as she says she “doesn’t hate” her daughter’s killer.Speaking to the Daily Mail, Ms Squire said: “He has committed the worst offences imaginable and the prospect of seeing the mother of the person he killed must be quite difficult.”He may be a bit nervous. It’s quite a brave thing for him to do.”I don’t hate him, I really don’t. I find anger and hatred incredibly draining, so I choose not to go down that route. Just trying to muddle through life without Libby is hard enough and there are days when I don’t even want to mother my other three children, or go to work, or walk the dog. I just want to wallow in my Libby world. Libby was murdered after a night out in 2019 (Image: PA)”Grief can be all-consuming. So if I had hatred to contend with on top of all that it would just be an extra layer of s***; too much to cope with.”Relowicz, a Polish butcher who is now serving 27 years for his shocking crimes, has always denied his guilt.At the time of the murder, he was 24 and a married father of two. In the 19 months leading up to her death, he had committed eight crimes that included voyeurism, outraging public decency and burglary – where he stole initimate items from women’s homes. Libby Squire disappeared during a night out with university friends in Hull in January 2019. She had gone to a nightclub but the doormen considered her too drunk to be admitted. Her friends put her into a taxi, paid the fare and gave instructions for her to be taken home.READ MORE: Virgin Atlantic shares new plan to stop thieves on its flights Pawel Relowicz was convicted of her murder (Image: Sky) Lisa Squire believes her daughter’s killer should have faced a full life sentence (Image: PA)But after being dropped off by the driver, Libby had wandered off into the cold, snowy night. It was seven weeks before her body was found in the Humber Estuary, submerged for so long that pathologists were unable to determine the cause of her death.Lisa, who is trying to solve the puzzle of how her daughter spent her last hours, said: “The questions I have are simple ones: What happened to Libby? Was she scared? Did she ask for me? I want Libby to know – and I have a sense that she does know – that I did everything I could to find out what happened.”There is no question of forgiveness but I can try and get something positive out of this horrendous situation. And as soon as he has answered one question, another will take its place. I’ll always want to know more.”I’m not interested in hearing he is sorry, or that he has a problem or that it was a lapse of judgment. I want to know how Libby died. It will be hard, but not harder than living without her. The worst has happened. There is nothing he can say or do that will be worse.”DON’T MISS:Gangs of Albanian sex traffickers and drug lords mocked UK system [INSIGHT]Son who stabbed drunk intruder to death jailed for 3 years [COMMENT]Three dead in Spain shootout horror after armed police swoop in [PICTURES] Lisa has said she will do whatever it takes to find out what her daughter’s final hours looked like (Image: Sky)Ms Squire continued: “But at the moment, my mind fills in the blanks and it goes down some dark paths. I wonder: did he torture her? I thought at the start, maybe she wasn’t dead when she went into the water. But we know she was, because of the post-mortem. There were none of the signs of drowning. And before I saw her body I thought, ‘Did he stab her?’ I had to look to satisfy myself that he didn’t.”He said in court that when he first came across her, she was crying and cold and – by then disorientated by hypothermia – asking for him to take her home to her mummy. I knew she’d ask for me and I’m grateful he confirmed that. She knows that she is never far from my thoughts, that although I wasn’t with her physically that night, my love was there with her.”Lisa, 52, a nurse on a postnatal hospital ward, is married to engineer Russell, 56, with whom she shared three other children, Beth, 21, Maisy, 16, and Joe, 15.. She believes that Relowicz should have been handed a full-life tariff.”If you kill someone you should forfeit your freedom for the rest of your life,’ she says. ‘He is due for release in 27 years, but Libby will not come back to us then. So why should he be allowed out? He shows no remorse now. Why will he in the future? If he is released, he will do it again. There is no doubt in my mind. So as long as I have breath in my body I will make sure he never comes out of prison.”No date has been set for their meeting as of yet.


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