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HomeSourcesthetimes.co.ukMogwai 'accepted chaos as a lifestyle choice'

Mogwai ‘accepted chaos as a lifestyle choice’

There was the time when his credit card was so caked in cocaine residue that it wouldn’t fit into an ATM.

There was the long journey through which he and his teenage bandmates on their way to an overseas date snorted beer for hours – nose pints – to get a quicker alcohol hit.

And there was the episode during a gig where his drug-induced paranoia was so great that Stuart Braithwaite, frontman guitarist for the Glasgow band Mogwai, believed his right hand was possessed by demons.

Braithwaite, now 46, realises that his younger self, as described in his new autobiography, may not be the best role model for his stepson.

It’s not him he is concerned about, however. “To be honest, I was more


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