While Daniel Grijalva Esquivel won $5million on a lottery scratch-off card he paid $20 for, the decision as to how he walks away with the cash has proved controversial
A scratch-off lottery winner has made a controversial choice by taking home less than his $5million (£4m) jackpot win.
Daniel Grijalva Esquivel, from Kansas City, won the New York scratch-off jackpot. While he won $5million, he ended up only taking home $3.2million (£2.5m) after making a choice many see as controversial.
When deciding how to claim his winnings, Mr Esquivel decided to go for a single lump sum payment. Usually, lump sum payments are smaller than the other option of annual lottery payouts.
If people choose annual payments, their payout is usually close to the advertised winnings. So, by taking his winnings in a lump sum, and not forgetting about taxes and fees, Mr Esquivel ended up with $3.2million instead of $5million.