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HomeUK NewsCrimeInside Forty Thieves girl gang who wore diamond rings as knuckle dusters

Inside Forty Thieves girl gang who wore diamond rings as knuckle dusters

ARMED with diamond ring knuckle dusters and hair pins that double up as knifes, the infamous Forty Thieves weren’t to be messed with.

Ransacking stores across London’s bustling West End in the 1920s, the all-female group – also known as the Forty Elephants – were in and out of jail so often they made the Peaky Blinders look tame.

With shoplifting on the rise across Britain, even posh department store John Lewis is being targeted, with bosses declaring that gangs and shoplifters have become much bolder in their methods.

But they still have some way to go to match the audacity of the Forty Thieves, who carried razor blades in their pockets like their fictional TV counterparts.

Here, author Beezy Marsh – who has investigated the gang in her new crime saga Queen of Thieves – reveals how they operated… and how they are still at it today.


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