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HomeSourcesexpress.co.ukGrowing calls to delay 2030 deadline for petrol and diesel vehicles

Growing calls to delay 2030 deadline for petrol and diesel vehicles

Critics say battle for clean air is not feasible by deadline Tory MPs urged Rishi Sunak on Monday night to accept ‘reality’ and ditch the pledge to scrap new petrol and diesel cars by 2030. It comes as the Prime Minister is considering watering down green policies to pursue a ‘proportionate and pragmatic’ approach to reaching net zero emissions by 2050 in the face of cost-of-living pressures. He wants to avoid heaping ‘hassle’ or extra charges on families as MPs on the right of his party pressure him to weaken pledges in a bid to woo voters. It followed a backlash in last week’s Uxbridge and South Ruislip by-election over London Mayor Sadiq Khan’s controversial clean-air policies. Tory MP Craig Mackinlay, who chairs the Net Zero Scrutiny Group, said a 2030 ban on new petrol and diesel cars and vans was ‘looking increasingly flawed’. READ MORE: Electric cars no kinder to environment than the one you already drive [LATEST] Rishi Sunak He warned: ‘Putting aside the lack of electricity supply and rollout of a charging network, the domination of China in the supply chain for the rare metals required for batteries should cause further concern. ‘Uniquely, the UK stands alone with the 2030 date. The EU and the US has kicked the date down the road to 2035, with Germany pushing for a perpetual exemption for synthetic fuel-powered traditional engines. ‘We are likely to see our successful car industry decimated and oil refining capacity relocating abroad.’ Some Tories have urged Mr Sunak to delay climate commitments after the party narrowly held on to Uxbridge and South Ruislip – ex-PM Boris Johnson’s old seat. Labour’s defeat by just 495 votes has been attributed to the expansion of London’s Ultra Low Emission Zone scheme to outer boroughs. It charges the drivers of more polluting vehicles £12.50 a day. Mr Mackinlay said: ‘The Uxbridge by-election shows anti-car policies are rejected by the public. Conservatives should never ban things. We’re a party of freedom and choice. The Government would be well advised to scrap the ban.’ Veteran Tory Sir John Redwood added that the 2030 ban, announced during Mr Johnson’s premiership, would ‘kill off our domestic industry’. He said: ‘We will end up importing lots of nearly new cars instead. Cuts in VAT on energy would accelerate the fall in inflation and boost real incomes.’ MP Jonathan Gullis warned that stopping the production of new petrol or diesel cars would be impossible by the deadline. He said: ‘Whilst we all want to breathe cleaner air and have energy security by using renewable sources in the UK, the reality is banning the production of petrol and diesel cars isn’t going to be deliverable by 2030. ‘So it’s time to ditch it, rethink, and explore alternatives to just electric, like hydrogen combustion engines.’ Meanwhile, lack of public charging points and anxiety over how many miles they can cover are blunting the uptake of electric vehicles. Former Brexit minister Lord Frost said: ‘It’s obvious we are not ready to ban the internal combustion engine in just seven years’ time. There is already huge consumer resistance and there is no chance we can make the grid or charging network ready on that timescale. ‘Softening the target, as the EU has already done, is inevitable. The best thing would be for the Government to accept that reality now and get credit for changing things.’ Ex-Business Secretary Sir Jacob Rees-Mogg also wants rid of the 2030 ban, saying scrapping ‘unpopular, expensive’ policies would be a ‘real opportunity’. And former Cabinet minister Lord Lilley said the Government should reconsider the target on a ‘cost-benefit basis’. On Monday, Foreign Office minister Andrew Mitchell said of the ban: ‘Well, all I can tell you is it is in place.’ But when challenged again, he said: ‘Well, I’m afraid I can’t prophesise for the future.’ Jacob Rees-Mogg Mr Sunak declined to give an assurance, but Downing Street aides insisted he was committed to the ban. However, No10 made clear that ministers were scrutinising existing net zero pledges ‘in light of some of the cost-of-living challenges’ – citing the potential for technological advances. The PM has said he does not want to add to the pressure households are under from high inflation, amid a challenge to get the UK to net zero by 2050. During a visit to Worcestershire on Monday, he said: ‘Actually I’m standing up for the British people because I’m also cognisant that we’re living through a time at the moment where inflation is high. ‘So, yes, we’re going to make progress towards net zero. But we’re going to do that in a proportionate and pragmatic way that doesn’t unnecessarily give people more hassle and more costs in their lives. That’s not what I’m interested in and prepared to do.’ Asked whether he was continuing with the target for banning new fossil fuel car sales, Mr Sunak said: ‘We’re going to keep making progress towards our net zero ambitions’ but did not back it explicitly. However, former Health Secretary Matt Hancock said the world was seeing the impact of climate change and warned any delay in green policies would be reckless. He added: ‘We have recently seen the hottest days in recorded history. The glaciers are melting, and temperatures rising faster than expected. ‘Delaying the move away from fossil-fuel cars would be completely irresponsible.’ And former Levelling Up Secretary Sir Simon Clarke argued the UK’s ambitious target to phase out new petrol and diesel cars was driving investment into Britain. He said: ‘Jaguar Land Rover is investing £4billion to build one of Europe’s largest battery factories in the UK, creating 4,000 jobs. ‘Thanks to our target, driving innovation and investment, electric vehicles are already cheaper throughout their lifetime. ‘Delaying the target risks losing UK jobs and industry overseas.’ SUBSCRIBE Invalid email We use your sign-up to provide content in ways you’ve consented to and to improve our understanding of you. This may include adverts from us and 3rd parties based on our understanding. You can unsubscribe at any time. More info


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