10 September, Tuesday, 2024
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HomeSourcesthesun.co.ukGreen council where I live targeted drivers... it has just been voted...

Green council where I live targeted drivers… it has just been voted out

THE Sun’s Give Us A Brake campaign is a still small voice of common sense among the current cacophony of know-alls, nay-sayers and doom-mongers.

Though I’ve never bothered learning to drive (I’ve been married three times; why keep a dog and bark yourself?) when it comes to the current ding-dong over whether cars are the work of Satan or a vital component of mobility, modernity and freedom, I’m in the latter camp.

Like so much about ecology, the war against cars is intrinsically pleasure-hating.

They’ll be taking away the weekends next – after all, we didn’t need them before industrialisation, when we were happily toiling for the lord of the manor seven days a week like good little serfs.

Though ULEZ and LTN both sound like sexy new forms of electronic dance music, they are decidedly anti-fun – and very expensive.


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