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HomeSourcesmirror.co.ukDWP urging a million households to claim extra £65 a week they're...

DWP urging a million households to claim extra £65 a week they’re missing out on

A lot of people assume that they’re not eligible for Pension Credit because they have savings or own a house and could be missing out as the Department for Work and pensions urges Brits to check

Millions of households are missing out on an average weekly boost of around £65, the Department for Work and Pensions has estimated.

A huge number of people do not claim Pension Credit, because they assume they’re not eligible due to having savings or owning their own home, the government department said.

The DWP is now urging people of State Pension age to check if they qualify for the “passport” benefit, which could see them receive more than £3,000 a year, The Birmingham Live reports.

It has launched two new explainer-style YouTube videos, one aimed at the individual considering making a claim, and another for family members.


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