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HomeSourcesexpress.co.uk''Destructive' Biden tries to blame everyone else for his failures'

”Destructive’ Biden tries to blame everyone else for his failures’

‘More Dominoes are ahead, awaiting their own predictable tumble’ (Image: Getty)Unaware, (or perhaps by design), the unstoppable chain of consequential events continues now seemingly without end. Each Domino adds weight to the one after it, a victim not just of the Domino now on top of it, but part of an endless line of falls and fails. Sadly, more Dominoes are ahead, awaiting their own predictable tumble. All beginning with that first one, felled by Joe Biden.While eating a big ice cream cone recently, President Biden was asked about historically high inflation and replied by saying that Americans shouldn’t worry about the cost-of-living crisis because U.S. inflation is the lowest of ‘almost every major nation.’ Not only is that factually inaccurate, but he is indicating that we should feel better in our misery because there are others who have it worse. Not exactly an inspiring message.In addition, none of us would be suffering to this extent if it weren’t for the destructive policies of Joe Biden which have initiated this worldwide economic collapse. He shouldn’t applaud himself that we’re doing better than others when he was the one who caused it all in the first place.Though it rarely serves a useful purpose to look back and wonder ‘what if….’, these are extraordinarily dangerous and challenging times, which makes it hard not to wish we could hit rewind and go back to the day before the first Dominoe fell, January 20, 2021, and have history write a different script. One with a better outcome for America and the world.For the sake of argument, what would that have looked like – if the destruction of the Joe Biden presidency hadn’t begun the state of affairs which are currently challenging our nation and the world?For the people of Ukraine, it’s hard to fathom that Putin would have invaded if Donald Trump was president. Trump’s language and stance against tyranny was not only strong but more importantly, was respected. He embraced Ronald Reagan’s ‘Peace Through Strength’ mantra, believing deterrence was preferred – avoiding conflict before it could even begin.As a result, Donald Trump engaged America in no new wars during his time in office.Putin would likely not have been brave enough, or foolish enough, to encroach upon the sovereign land of Ukraine with President Trump in the Oval Office. And China’s President Xi certainly wouldn’t be putting Taiwan in his crosshairs if a strong, resolute president, like Trump, were still at the helm. They, and other aggressors worldwide, are taking advantage of opportunities to exploit American weakness under Biden.Even in Afghanistan, President Trump had left a very small force on the ground, joined by UN troops, together providing a fragile, yet stable peace.There hadn’t been a single military death there in over a year. Sadly, within months of Joe Biden taking office, Kabul collapses, 13 servicemembers died, and the Afghan people, especially the women, overnight were condemned to a dangerous and desperate future under Taliban rule.Not to mention the tens of billions of dollars of equipment and infrastructure Biden’s abandonment left behind.Whether it is returning to the Paris Climate Accords or trying to get back into the Iran Nuclear Deal, Joe Biden is consistently on the wrong side of the American people and of sound policy.We see it domestically in the United States as well, where we have historically high crime rates and gas prices, exorbitant energy prices to heat our homes, dangerous and costly open borders, a failing public education system, and less trust in our leaders and government than ever before.It’s inarguable that everything changed on that fateful Inauguration Day. Energy, the lifeline of a thriving people and a strong economy, was made the enemy and was stunted in fulfilling its purpose in America. Not only has the Biden ban caused job loss and economic destruction, but has turned our nation, formerly energy-independent and exporters of oil, into a nation of energy dependency, begging foreign nations for oil in an embarrassing way.Biden has even resorted to threatening our closest ally in the Middle East, Saudia Arabia, to drill more oil for us. If they don’t, he promises to withhold military support.Yet the U.S. has more oil than the Saudis do – and ours doesn’t need to be transported across the globe. He has yet to explain that inconsistency.If President Biden would self-reflect and look at the wake of failure surrounding him, perhaps instead of blaming consumers or small business owners or corporate America or the ever-present strawman of racism, he would realize that the string of failures stretching as far as the eye can see, began right at his feet where he tipped that first Dominoe of destruction on Day One of his presidency.Unfortunately for America and the world, there is no indication that he intends to stop any more from falling.Peggy Grande (@peggy_grande) is author of ‘The President Will See You Now: My Stories and Lessons from Ronald Reagan’s Final Years.’ She was executive assistant to President Ronald Reagan from 1989 – 1999 and served as a political appointee in the Trump Administration. She was Chair of World for Brexit, serves on the National Board of the Royal Commonwealth Society of the USA, the Board of Advisors for Pepperdine University School of Public Policy, and the Board of Directors for the Center for American Ideas.


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