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HomeSourcesmirror.co.uk'Desperate state of NHS dentistry is putting additional pressures on other services'

‘Desperate state of NHS dentistry is putting additional pressures on other services’

When 90% of NHS practices are no longer accepting new patients it is not surprising that one in five adults are no longer registered with a dentist – the Government needs to act

How have we reached a situation where one in 10 adults has done DIY dentistry?

Nobody should be having to pull out their own teeth. Nor should anyone have to travel hundreds of miles in order to receive treatment.

Yet that is what’s happening today because of the Government’s failure to invest in NHS dental services. When 90% of NHS practices are no longer accepting new patients it is not surprising that one in five adults are no longer registered with a dentist.

The desperate state of NHS dentistry is also putting additional pressures on other NHS services, with tooth decay now the main reason for a child to be admitted to hospital.


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