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HomeSourcesmirror.co.ukDad livestreamed his suicide on Facebook as horrified friends and family watched

Dad livestreamed his suicide on Facebook as horrified friends and family watched

Paul David Hilton, 34, was found dead at his home in Bolton in April this year. The inquest heard the much-loved man started a “Facebook live” broadcast before taking his own life

A tragic dad livestreamed his own suicide on Facebook prompting a terrified viewer to call 999 for help, an inquest heard.

Paul David Hilton, 34, was found dead at his home in Bolton in April this year.

The inquest heard the much-loved man started a ” Facebook live” broadcast before taking his own life and a “number of friends and acquaintances” were watching as the tragic events unfolded.

As soon as a friend realised what was happening, he alerted the emergency services and paramedics rushed to the home on Tennis Street shortly after 7am on April 30.


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