The shadow foreign secretary will tell delegates in Sharm el-Sheikh on Tuesday that Labour would put the environment at the top of the international agenda by pushing for climate action to “become a fourth pillar of the UN”
The UK under Labour will push a “new international law of ecocide” and will support developing countries struggling under the impact of climate change, the shadow foreign minister will announce at Cop27 tomorrow.
David Lammy will tell delegates in Sharm el-Sheikh on Tuesday that Labour would put the environment at the top of the international agenda by pushing for climate action to “become a fourth pillar of the UN”, under Britain’s “first ever green foreign policy”.
Speaking at the UN’s climate summit he will also pledge to ensure those responsible for unlawful destruction of the environment are held criminally responsible, as well as upholding commitments to international climate finance following government failures.
He will say: “Global heating is not a distant threat. It is here today. Wildfires in California and Australia. Biblical floods in Nigeria and Pakistan. Devastating sandstorms in Baghdad. Even 40 degree summers in England.