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HomeUK NewsPoliticsCigarette packets could come with anti-smoking information inside

Cigarette packets could come with anti-smoking information inside

Government looking at positive messaging about giving up smoking in packets to help its ambition of the UK being smokefree by 2030

Anti-smoking messages could be put inside cigarette packets as part of the Government’s latest push to stop people lighting up.

The slips of paper inserted into packs would list benefits from quitting smoking, such as improved breathing and a decreased risk of heart attack.

The idea is being included in a new consultation which launches on Monday. On the same day a report on the Government’s major conditions strategy – its approach to addressing ill-health and early mortality in England – will be published.

Smoking is still the single leading preventable cause of illness and mortality in the UK, resulting in around four per cent of all hospital admissions, according to the Health Department.


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