On March 24, 1998, Amy Lynn Bradley vanished seemingly without a trace while enjoying a Caribbean cruise with her family. Her whereabouts remain a mystery to this day
In the early hours of March 24, 1998, Amy Lynn Bradley was seen fast asleep and looked well, according to her father Ron Bradley. The 23-year-old had drifted off in a chair on the private balcony of their family cabin aboard the Rhapsody Of The Seas, a Royal Caribbean cruise liner headed for Curaçao.
This would be the last time Ron or any of Amy’s family members would see her, and the mystery of what exactly happened to the outgoing and sporty physical education graduate has since proven to be one of the most perplexing missing person cases of all time.
When Ron went to check on his daughter again just 30 minutes later, at around 6 am, she was nowhere to be seen. Amy’s shoes had been left behind, but her lighter and cigarettes had apparently vanished alongside her. At this point, Ron has a gut feeling that something was wrong, knowing that it just wasn’t like his daughter to take off without letting her family know where she was going.
Ron, of Petersburg, Virginia, set about searching the common areas of the ship but to no avail. At around 6:30 am, he woke his wife Iva and their son Brad, letting them know that something was wrong. The family begged the crew to make an announcement and asked them not to let anyone off the ship until Amy was found, fearing that somebody could carry her off. Their pleas were refused.