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HomeSourcesexpress.co.uk'Biden is the threat to democracy not the Republicans'

‘Biden is the threat to democracy not the Republicans’

He cited the term ‘threat to democracy’ dozens of times yet wasn’t using that term to remind Americans of threats from abroad – a rising China, an ever-aggressive and unstable Russia, an emboldened Iran and North Korea – no – he was talking about half the nation – conservatives – anyone who voted for a Republican in the upcoming midterms. They are the ones who he defined as being a ‘threat to democracy’.So, the false choice was established – either erode Democracy itself, or vote Democrat and continue with historic rising inflation, skyrocketing energy costs, an open and unsecure border, runaway crime, failing schools and diminished American strength and influence on the world stage.When put to the American electorate that way, they’re way too smart and see through the partisan hyperbole.In the past few years, perhaps a by-product of Trump Derangement Syndrome, the left has come out and accused the right of everything they themselves are guilty of. Following this line of reasoning, the left themselves are the true threat to democracy.Democracy, by definition, is, ‘a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives.’So, if the whole eligible population is engaged in voting and making their opinion known, even if it’s not voting the way Joe Biden wants them to vote, isn’t that the very essence of democracy, not the undermining of it?Today’s Democrat Party, though, cannot risk ‘We the People’ making our voices heard.They know what ‘We’ want, and it’s not what they are offering.And even when the electorate is being abundantly clear that they don’t like open borders and rampant crime and life being unaffordable, the left continues to say, ‘trust us’, ‘we know better than you do’, ‘what you are experiencing is a right-wing narrative being perpetuated – it’s not reality’. ‘The Democrat Party and their media allies have been in denial about their tone-deafness for months’ (Image: Getty)They dismiss the fear and the tangible threats to their way of life which Americans across the political aisle are currently experiencing. They dismiss both the feelings – and the facts – even saying Republicans are ‘data deniers’ on crime.I believe the data on election night will resoundingly show the Democrats that their failed ideas and policies have been overwhelmingly condemned and utterly rejected.The Democrat Party and their media allies have been in denial about their tone-deafness for months.The angrier people were getting, the more they tried all the usual distractions to get voters to focus on anything other than reality – focus on January 6, abortion, the Mar-a-Lago raid, abortion, the Paul Pelosi attack, abortion, Social Security, abortion.They believed if they were unified and unwavering in telling voters what they should care about, rather than what they do care about, they would shift their mindset.The opposite has happened.There’s a palpable fury toward a president and an administration which care more about pronouns in the military than our safety, more about trans rights in the classroom and on the athletic field than academic success, more about the comfort and protection of illegals than the cascading consequences on our own citizens, more about compounding the energy crisis than solving it, and more about shaming Americans into silence and complicity rather than listening to their concerns and using the tools and power of government to solve and alleviate them.This volcanic rage is set to erupt on Tuesday.Should this happen, the lame-duck presidency of Joe Biden will be confirmed.Beyond that, we will see the tethering of all this failure being hung singularly around his neck. He will be devoured by his own party, blamed for everything they heaped upon him and forced him to implement as the useful idiot for their collective bad ideas. He will be demonized, vilified, chewed up and spit out by his own.Joe Biden was never supposed to be president. He shouldn’t have been. And perhaps barely knows that he is. In 2020, he knew, Dr. Jill knew, Obama knew, everyone knew, that he wasn’t up to the task then and unlike fine wine, he wouldn’t improve with age.Yet the DNC looked across the stage of misfits and decided the only person who could be promoted as moderate enough to dupe the electorate would be Sleepy Joe.President Trump was on a high note, Joe wouldn’t be elected anyway, so through a backroom sleight of hand, the Democrats altered course and he became the nominee.Then Covid hit, mail-in voting was widely and haphazardly implemented, and allowed for history to take a swift and tragic turn.A history of utter collapse, not only for the nation and the world but for the political party which masterminded this decline.The Democrats may be surprised by how many Republicans are elected in traditional Democrat strongholds this week, including in some very blue states like New York and Oregon which may wind up with Republican governors.Americans will not be surprised. They want a different future than what Democrats are offering. The change is needed and will be welcomed. The brakes of common sense need to be applied and ensure that the wheels of government once again turn to protect ‘We the People’, not intimidate and prosecute us.Once the election dust settles and the new officeholders are sworn in, a more powerful realization will set in. We are not just ushering in new Republican Members of Congress, but we have elected an entirely new type of Republican.These are God-fearing, flag-waving, patriotic, freedom fighters who are tested in political battle and will be ready to fight on behalf of an American citizenry which has been starving for leadership and advocacy that is on their side, not against them.The electorate will find that in the passionate, activists who will make up this new Congress. And the Democrats should be very worried – this class can both advocate for and legislate sound policy while also looking back to right the wrongs which have aggrieved Americans, especially conservatives.Ronald Reagan always spoke of the power and importance of the Citizen Politician – people who came from all walks of life to become public servants and make life better for those they represented. They knew how to do that because they were just like them.The 118th Congress will be filled with men and women, all races and backgrounds – contractors, doctors, lawyers, mothers, preachers, veterans, and small business owners. I believe the era of elite Democrats lording over the peasant class is over.If that is what Joe Biden and the left define as the greatest threat to democracy, then you can count on my vote. They have been wrong at every turn and are wrong for America and the world. The truly greatest threat to democracy has been the unregulated trifecta of Democrat power in the House, Senate and White House. That ends Tuesday.Peggy Grande (@peggy_grande) is author of ‘The President Will See You Now: My Stories and Lessons from Ronald Reagan’s Final Years.’ She was executive assistant to President Ronald Reagan from 1989 – 1999 and served as a political appointee in the Trump Administration. She was Chair of World for Brexit, serves on the National Board of the Royal Commonwealth Society of the USA, the Board of Advisors for Pepperdine University School of Public Policy, and the Board of Directors for the Center for American Ideas.


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