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HomeHealthBeer can 'help prevent debilitating and deadly brain disease', scientists say

Beer can ‘help prevent debilitating and deadly brain disease’, scientists say

GUZZLING some types of beer boosts the brain’s ability to fight of Alzheimer’s disease, researchers have discovered.

Scientists from Italy say drinking larger can help the brain flush out harmful toxins which cause the brain eating disorder.

They discovered that hops – flowers used to give beer it’s bitter flavour- contain antioxidants that can help reduce the build up protein plaques in the brain, which are strongly linked to Alzheimer’s 

Tettnang, a type of hop grown in Germany and found in amber and light lagers, was the best at clearing the dangerous plaques.

These beers also contained high levels of a certain antibiotic which is thought to reduce inflammation in the brain and can have beneficial effects in people with Alzheimer’s disease, the experts said.


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