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HomeSourcesexpress.co.ukAstrologer Russell Grant shares weekly horoscope

Astrologer Russell Grant shares weekly horoscope

Horoscopes: Your weekly horoscope from astrologer Russell Grant (Image: Getty) Aries (Mar21/Apr20)  You have your independent interests but don’t be surprised to feel drawn-in to whatever others around you are involved in. There’s a spirit of cooperation that makes you anticipate a sociable time ahead.  Taurus  (Apr21/May21) The idea of new routines or a slight change in the direction of your life will make you nervous. This could cause stomach upsets or headaches. Even so you can see where improvements can be made. Gemini  (May22/June21) A partner or relative will be grateful that you’re willing to change plans to make life easier for them. Whether they are attending meetings, interviews or a wedding, it will be no bother for you to re-juggle your days to work around their schedule.  Cancer (June22/July23) The idea behind a community event will be to break down barriers and bring as many people as possible together. Public donations will be used for research on new support services needed.  New goals will be set in a close and loving relationship for Sagittarius (Image: Getty) Leo (July24/Aug23)  There is a lot to be gained through being flexible in your opinions. Don’t be deterred because you feel certain activities may be too expensive. As it so happens, events will not cost half as much as you were led to expect or some generous donations will be received.  Virgo (Aug24/Sept23) There’s a tinge of humour and a degree of fun linked with social activities and family get-togethers. You can show yourself in your true colours without being judged or ridiculed and you have been waiting for just such an opportunity.  Libra (Sept24/Oct23)  After doubting the likelihood of successfully completing a challenge, your progress will amaze you. This just goes to show that if you really put your mind to it, you can overcome problems and succeed. Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) A joint arrangement may need revising. Whether you are linked to someone through business or romance, either you or the other party is starting to feel a shade taken for granted. Bring grievances out into the open.  Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Progress can be made through accepting help. If you’re struggling with a work or college assignment, approach someone who is likely to be able to give good guidance. New goals will be set in a close and loving relationship.  Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20)  It will take ambition and perseverance to overcome opposition. Someone behind the scenes will be willing to pull a few strings on your behalf. You might feel guilty about accepting their help but if it gets you to the place you want to be, take it.  Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) You may not be in the mood for whatever greets you early in the week but by the end of it you will feel as if you have accomplished something special. This is a time for change and adjustment. You could be surprised by how easily everyone around you slips into new routines. Pisces  (Feb20/Mar20)  Check you haven’t lost sight of your main goals. Once you have decided on what you need to do to bring these about, be prepared to put time and energy into them. If you really want to reach an ambitious aim you need to put in the work.


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