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HomeSourcesmirror.co.ukAdorable 'graduation' for 22-week premature twins who had 10% chance of surviving...

Adorable ‘graduation’ for 22-week premature twins who had 10% chance of surviving go home

Kimyah and DJ were born suddenly last October and were so small they could each fit into the palm of their mother’s hands and even the tiniest nappies available were too big for them

An adorable ‘graduation’ was held for a pair of twins born at just 22 weeks who had only a small chance of survival.

Kimyah and DJ were given odds of just 10% to live when they arrived in October. The siblings – the smallest nurses on the ward have ever seen – could even fit in mother Kimberly Thomas’ hands. But miraculously they battled through and were allowed home on February 27 of this year after approximately four months in. Staff at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio held a ‘graduation’ for the family to celebrate the special moment.

The cute pair, now both 11 months, were given gowns and mortarboards to mark the occasion. Kimberly said: “I was super excited when I found out they were able to come home.”

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