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HomeHealthHow to be a flexi-drinker – and cut back without going teetotal

How to be a flexi-drinker – and cut back without going teetotal

Like a drink, but concerned about your health? It’s time to join the not-quite-soberistas with one foot on the wagon

My name is Phil and I’m almost certainly not an alcoholic. However, I often find it hard to refuse a drink. It’s not a physical yearning, it’s a complex set of social obligations – by which I mean British drinking culture.

With Sober October now at an end and Christmas closing in, I’m making a plea for a new approach that stops short of total abstinence, but frees us from the book of booze rules we have all learned and internalised.

For example, the moment a friend leans across the table, drops their voice to a conspiratorial whisper and says: “Another bottle?” They’re saying: I like you, I feel close to you, I want to extend our time together, I may even share some feelings.

How can you refuse?


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