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HomeBusinessSquare Enix can no longer rely on Japanese market to make money

Square Enix can no longer rely on Japanese market to make money

In a statement to shareholders, Square Enix explains why it’s only going to do more to target global audiences and not just rely on Japan.

The news of Square Enix selling practically its entire Western division remains one of the most surprising industry stories of the year. However, despite what some may think, this doesn’t mean the company is giving up on the Western market.

Aside from the fact that Square Enix said at the time, that it would continue to publish Western made games such as Just Cause and Life Is Strange, the company has also recently admitted it can no longer afford to ignore markets outside of Japan.

It’s even gone so far as to call the Japanese market insufficient for recouping development costs and turning a profit, meaning it is ‘critical’ that it release games that can succeed globally.

One major contributing factor is the increased costs of game development. It’s been obvious for a while that games are becoming more and more expensive to make (it’s Sony’s justification for selling its titles at £70), something that the Japanese market alone can’t sustain.


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