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Live past 90

When people think about longevity, they mostly think it’s about diet and exercise. But studies have shown that thoughts and feelings can have a large role as well. New research has found that optimism could have a role in getting people past 90.A study, published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, found that the people who scored highest for optimism in a survey were more likely to live past 90 compared to people who were the least optimistic.It turns out the 25 percent who were most optimistic had a 10 percent bigger likelihood of getting to beyond 90 than the 25 percent that were the least optimistic.The research was only observational, meaning it didn’t attempt to explain the underlying causes of this trend.Past research has found that optimism can confer several physical benefits that may help to offset various diseases.READ MORE: Eyesight warning: The nation’s favourite meal caused Briton to go ‘blind’ – doctor High levels of optimism are associated with living beyond 90 (Image: Getty Images)Several studies have shown that optimists get better sleep, experience less stress, and have healthier habits. As a result, they tend to have better cardiovascular health and immunity.Optimists are more likely to eat healthily, stay active, and smoke less, according to a study from 2018.These healthy habits are known to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, which includes stroke and heart disease – two of the biggest killers in the UK.Yet, in the recent research, lifestyle factors, like regular exercise and healthy eating, were responsible for less than 25 percent of the association, indicating that other factors may be at play, according to the authors.The study looked at 159,225 women in the US who enrolled in the Women’s Health Initiative between 1993 and 1998. The women, aged 50-79 were followed up for 26 years after enrolling.DON’T MISSRhinorrhoea is ‘top’ Covid symptom in double jabbed [INSIGHT]Blood clots warning: Four types of drinks to avoid [ADVICE]Man, 51, damages liver from overeating breakfast cereal [INSIGHT] In the past optimism has been linked to lower risk of cardiovascular disease (Image: Getty Images) Optimists may be able to manage stress better. (Image: Getty Images)One possible explanation for the better results is the way optimists manage stress.Optimists may directly work to tackle their stress levels and have strategies to overcome their issues and find gratitude and positivity in difficult situations.By reducing stress levels, optimists may reduce the long-term damage done by repetitive exposure to stress hormones like cortisol.High levels of cortisol can bump up your heart rate and blood pressure, and affect your immune system, in the long term affecting your risk of getting dangerous diseases.


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