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HomeSourcesexpress.co.ukSturgeon independence crisis as EU rips apart Scotland currency plans

Sturgeon independence crisis as EU rips apart Scotland currency plans

Nicola Sturgeon is facing a new Scottish independence nightmare after the European Union warned the country would have to adopt the euro as part of any plans to rejoin the bloc. Earlier this week, the First Minister’s Government published a paper on the economic and currency policy for Scotland in the event it separates from the rest of the UK, which said the country would continue to use the pound as its currency until a new Scottish pound could be established.But the EU has insisted new member states joining the bloc are “legally committed” to join the euro once they meet the “necessary conditions”Andrea Masini, the official spokeswoman for economic affairs at the European Commission, said: ‘In principle, all EU member states, except Denmark which has an opt-out clause, are legally committed to join the euro area once they fulfil the necessary conditions. It is up to individual countries to calibrate their path towards the euro and no timetable is prescribed.”The newly released Scottish Government paper, entitled ‘A stronger economy with independence’, states: “We propose that, on independence, Scotland would continue to use the pound sterling for a period before moving to our policy of adopting a Scottish pound.”The change would take place as soon as practicable through a careful, managed and responsible transition, guided by criteria and economic conditions rather than a fixed timetable. Nicola Sturgeon news: The First Minister’s Scottish independence plans have been dealt a blow (Image: GETTY) Nicola Sturgeon news: The SNP leader wants an independence referendum to take place in October 2023 (Image: GETTY)”While Scotland is still using sterling, many aspects of monetary policy would continue to be set by the Bank of England. However, an independent Scottish Central Bank would be established with oversight of monetary and economic conditions in Scotland and with responsibility for financial stability.”The Scottish Central Bank would also report on the economic criteria and conditions for moving to a Scottish pound. This would be part of a wider process, drawing on independent advice to inform the decision by the Scottish Parliament on when to introduce the Scottish pound.”The latest blow for Ms Sturgeon comes following tense exchanges in Holyrood over the issue between the First Minister and Scottish Conservative leader Douglas Ross.She rejected an accusation from Mr Ross that she had lied to the Scottish people about the country’s currency arrangements after independence.READ MORE: Laura Kuenssberg clashes with Yvette Cooper over net migration target Nicola Sturgeon news: SDcots would have to use the euro if the country rejoins the bloc (Image: GETTY)The SNP leader was responding to questions after a report in The Times said Scotland would have to join the euro if it wished to be a member of the European Union.An unnamed EU source had warned it would be “no euro, no entry” for an independent Scotland, with another three reported to have backed the view.In a tense exchange during First Minister’s Questions on Thursday, Mr Ross asked: “Who’s lying to the Scottish people, the European Union or Nicola Sturgeon?”The Frist Minister responded by quoting a number of different sources, including former Prime Minister David Cameron as holding a different view to that of the sources quoted in the Times.DON’T MISSGove slams Keir’s ‘dangerous’ plea for election [INTERVIEW]Boris set to ‘upstage’ Sunak with plan to attend COP27 summit [COMMENTS]Suella Braverman was probed over alleged leak on hated Brexit deal [LATEST] Nicola Sturgeon news: Douglas Ross attacked the SNP leader’s independence plan (Image: SCOTTISH PARLIAMENT TV) Nicola Sturgeon news: The First Minister came under pressure during FMQs on Thursday (Image: SCOTTISH PARLIAMENT TV)She said: “Many countries in the European Union still use their own currency. Bulgaria, Czechia, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Sweden – a member state since 1995 still uses its own currency.”Ms Sturgeon added that she “welcomed” such a debate on the currency of an independent Scotland, while challenging her opposing leader to “have a referendum and let’s have these debates with the Scottish people”.But Mr Ross fired back and described the answer from Ms Sturgeon as “desperate stuff”.He said: “The First Minister’s big plan is actually to break Scotland away from by far our biggest trading partner – the United Kingdom – with nothing to show for it, in the middle of a global inflation and cost-of-living crisis. And she wants to put businesses and families through that in the next 12 months.”Scottish Conservative Shadow Cabinet Secretary for the Constitution, External Affairs and Culture, Donald Cameron, said: “European Union officials have once again confirmed that Nicola Sturgeon’s plan to break up the UK is fundamentally flawed. Nicola Sturgeon news: Ten Scottish constituencies with the highest percentage of IndyRef ‘No’ votes (Image: EXPRESS)”Her flimsy economic paper which tried to pull the wool over people’s eyes by saying an independent Scotland could rejoin the EU without having the Euro as its currency has now gone up in smoke.”Rather than tackling the NHS crisis and improving our schools, the SNP is fixated on recklessly pouring taxpayers’ money into their relentless obsession with independence.”Nicola Sturgeon should drop her divisive separation plans and focus on supporting Scots by governing for the whole country and not just the interests of her own party.’Wendy Chamberlain, Scottish Lib Dem deputy leader, told the BBC Sunday Show of the ongoing row: “There are no guarantees in relation to EU entry for an independent Scotland. So what potentially the SNP are asking people to do as to remove themselves both from the UK and EU and I think that would be disastrous for Scotland.”


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