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HomeUK NewsCrimeRishi Sunak prepares to launch pushback against 'woke policing'

Rishi Sunak prepares to launch pushback against ‘woke policing’

Rishi Sunak is preparing to launch a pushback against so-called “woke policing”, a report has claimed. According to the Telegraph, sources have made it clear that the newly appointed Prime Minister will make crime one of the Government’s top three priorities. They will be looking to emulate the work of Chief Constable Stephen Watson, who managed to turn a ‘failing’ police force around in just 18 months.Mr Watson is the Chief Constable of Greater Manchester Police (GMP) and has said in the past that the public was ‘fed up’ with officers virtue signalling rather than locking up burglars.His work has resulted in answer times for 999 calls being slashed by a twelfth of what they were in the summer of 2021.The number of investigations resulting in an offender being charged has also risen by 42 percent.Mr Watson has pledged to restore the public’s faith in the police by investigating every crime reported however ‘minor’ and banned the ‘screening out’ of weak cases.Police officers were sent to every burglary crime scene reported and he also restored neighbourhood policing, also known as ‘bobbies on the beat’. Rishi Sunak is planning to be tougher on crime (Image: Getty Images)Mr Watson has warned that the public tolerance of ‘woke’ police officers is at a ‘high water mark’.A report by the Policy Exchange think tank this summer claimed that police officers not appearing politically neutral could be ‘hugely damaging’ to the force.Policy Exchange also revealed that four-in-ten voters thought officers were more concerned with being ‘woke’ rather than solving crime.A Government source said: ‘We want to get officers on to the front line doing what they are supposed to do which is preventing and solving crime.’The chief constable of Greater Manchester has done a great job on that. We want to see what Greater Manchester have done replicated across other forces.’READ MORE: Rishi Sunak on notice as Boris allies plot grand return to Number 10 A Government source said they want officers to be “doing what they are supposed to do”. (Image: Getty Images)During the Conservative leadership election this summer, Mr Sunak said policemen should be ‘fully focused’ on fighting crime and not policing Twitter jokes.He promised he would crack down on sexual exploitation and create new and tougher offences against those belonging to grooming gangs.Mr Sunak said: ‘As Prime Minister, I will do everything possible to make sure victims have the chance to look their perpetrator in the eye and witness justice being served.’We must not allow criminals to continue to take the coward’s way out and not face up to their crimes.’DON’T MISS: Truss’s phone hacked by Putin’s spies looking for ’embarrassing’ info [REVEAL]China in fresh Covid horror as 210m thrown in lockdown over variant [REPORT]George Russell interview interrupted by fan in ‘cute’ moment [INSIGHT] Chief Constable Watson said the the public was ‘fed up’ with officers virtue signalling (Image: Getty Images)The news comes after Lincolnshire Police was criticised in August when video footage appeared on social media of officers dancing to the Macarena at the annual Pride celebrations.Some Twitter users commented it was ’embarrassing’ or a ‘disgrace’ but Chief Constable Chris Haward said the officers’ actions did not ‘detract from their duties’.He said policing was about “engagement, understanding and being part of the community”, as well as enforcing the law.Mr Haward added: “Pride is one of the many wonderful community events in the county we are there to police, but also to allow people to look behind the uniform and see who we are’.


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