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HomeUK NewsCrimeThis Government must be tough on crime — and tough on woke...

This Government must be tough on crime — and tough on woke police chiefs

If the Conservatives don’t show that they are serious about keeping our streets safe, then Labour will win in 2024

In the urgent quest for fiscal balance, Rishi Sunak’s new regime in Downing Street must avoid falling for the fairytale that cutting crime-fighting budgets is without very real and serious political and economic risks. 

Prison building and recruiting police officers are hugely popular policies in the real world where voters live. Most people recognise that predatory criminals have it easier than the few crime-fighting cops that dare to lock up crooks and make the streets safer. 

Having served on the frontlines of the fight against crime – confronting axe-wielding maniacs, knife-wielding thugs, and gun-toting gangsters – I know what many officials and too many of their political masters don’t: cutting crime and disorder is actually quite simple. 

I’m not alone. The public know all too well that if we have enough police professionally doing what only the police can do (for the uninitiated: stopping, searching, investigating, arresting and charging criminals), and if we have a criminal justice system resourced to make use of prison to deter, incapacitate, and reform, then we shall have safer streets. 


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