BBC viewers settled in tonight to watch the new series of Boiling Point, which follows on from the Stephen Graham-led 2021 film of the same name. However, many people quickly had the same complaint just minutes into the show. Viewers quickly took to X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter, to hit out at what some described as the show’s ‘dreadful’ sound quality. ‘#BoilingPoint is the sound weird or is it just me?’ Carl asked, while Penny lamented: ‘I’ve had to put subtitles on.’ George reasoned: ‘I am sure #BoilingPoint is very good but sound quality is killing it, can’t hear the dialogue.’ David added: ‘Is it just me – but I can hardly make out the dialogue in Boiling Point! I feel like my head is under water.’ (sic) Another viewer complained: ‘I was looking forward to Boiling Point. The audio is dreadful. I’m watching via Onkyo AV receiver through Focal 5.1 set up. The mix is dreadful. The dialogue is being drowned out by background noise too high in the mix.’ (sic) Victoria wondered: ‘I can’t work out if I’m going deaf, or my TV volume is broken, or this audio on #BoilingPoint is crap.’ While yet another viewer agreed: ‘Yep, #BoilingPoint absolutely awful sound mix. What a disappointment!’ However, some fans jumped in to defend the show, insisting viewers needed to give it more of a chance before they gave up on it. Megan gushed: ’10 minutes in and I’m already obsessed with #BoilingPoint – the big continue shot as an introduction to all the new characters is gorgeous *chef kiss*.’ (sic) While Dave argued: ‘People complaining about #boilingpoint on the hashtag are so quick to judge something, why not watch episode 1 and see how you feel by the end, I think it’s f***in fantastic.’ (sic) Picking up six months on from where the film left off, Boiling Point sees Sous Chef Carly (Vinette Robinson) as Head Chef at her own restaurant, with many of the film’s original cast, including Stephen Graham as Andy, reprising their roles. The original 2021 film was met with critical acclaim, picking up 20 awards nominations worldwide, including four BAFTA nominations. Boiling Point continues next Sunday at 9pm on BBC One.