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HomeBusinessCentenarians share their tips on living long and healthy lives after reaching...

Centenarians share their tips on living long and healthy lives after reaching 100

Centenarians share their unusual tips and habits that they think have helped them get to 100. Growing your own veg, treating yourself and staying positive all make the list

The lifestyle you choose to lead is the key to reaching one hundred and some centenarians have shared their tips on how they made it where they are.

As US life expectancy declines, it has been revealed that genetics play a much smaller party than habits, diet and exercise in living well and long. Andrew Steele, author of the book “Ageless: The New Science of Getting Older Without Getting Old” told Today.com that genetics account for 20% of how people age healthily but 80% comes down to lifestyle and luck.

Vivian Levy told Today that she been swimming for almost 100 years. At 104, she heads to a New York City gym every morning to swim laps in the pool for 45 minutes. Research has found that swimming is one of best exercises for a long and healthy life, and in general, excercise may prevent brain shrinkage.

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