22 September, Sunday, 2024
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HomeHealthFrom reduced cancer risk to beating stress, eight ways that having sex...

From reduced cancer risk to beating stress, eight ways that having sex can help you live longer

HEALTH may not be top of your list when it comes to having sex, but experts say getting it on can actually help you live longer.

From heart health to memory, fighting infections and strengthening your immune system, a romp promises surprising benefits for both body and mind.

In April, a Japanese study revealed men with a high sex drive live longer than their peers.

Researchers took data from 8,500 men over seven years and found that those who were interested in sex at the start of the study had a 69 per cent lower risk of dying by the end of it.

Doctors agree and today Sun on Sunday Health reveals exactly how fooling around can prolong your life and improve your physical and mental health.


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